Our ambition at Hunting Camp Diana is to offer not only untouched nature and wildlife, but also some comfort and sustainability of this place for many years to come.
To reach this goal, there are provided services and requirements in place.
- Access Control (private property, mostly fenced, stealth video system and owner occupied)
- Cultivated Forest
- Maintenance of trails (tree cutting, culverts, mowing)
- Maintenance of clearings (mowing)
- Food plot tillage (twice a year by tenant’s instruction and request)
- Blacktop road parking
- Feeder refill (feed on consignment)
- Gear Dry-Storage
- General Liability insurance
- Signed Hunting Lease Agreement
- Paid lease (quarterly prior)
- Hunter’s Liability coverage insurance min. $2,000,000.-
- Compliance with Arkansas Game & Wildlife and any other local or federal regulations
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